Frequently asked questions we are asked

Frequently asked questions we are asked

If you did not find an answer do not hesitate to contact us

Shipping questions

Icon for truckWhat is the arrival time of my shipment ?

Fulfillment - It takes 2–5 business days to create a product and fulfill an order

Shipping - Shipping time depends on product availability and delivery destination

Delivery - The estimated delivery time is between 14 and 30 business days

Icon for delivery_box_2How can I track my order ?

Once an order is placed, an email will be sent to each customer with the tracking number and instructions on how to track the order after your order has been shipped.

Note: Please give the tracking number 24-48 hours to update. 

Icon for delivery_box_1If I made a large order will it all arrive together at once ?

Our suppliers are spread over several regions and accordingly we have warehouses across several locations
Therefore, it is possible that you will not receive your order at once
So if, for example, you placed an order for 10 products, it is possible that some of the products will arrive separately.
We are constantly improving our deliveries so that they reach you as quickly as possible and with the best comfort that IMPAX can provide you
If you encounter a problem
Do not hesitate to contact us.

Ordering questions

Icon for coinWhat payment methods can I use ?

We accept all major credit cards in addition to PayPal payments

Icon for secureCan I change the order after it has been placed ?

The product is fulfilled within a short time from the moment we received it
Therefore, it will usually not be possible to change a product from the moment it is sent,

You can also cancel your order up to 24 hours from the moment of ordering and re-order the product with the correct item
Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions regarding this or any other topic at our email address

Icon for questionI received a wrong /damaged product ?

We are sorry to hear that. Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Please contact our support team at with your order number and a photo of the item you received to further assist you!



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